It's A Good Time Friday! - 08.25.23
I was going to say "this one's for the nerds," but they kind of all are
Happy final week of August and happy Virgo season, nerds! For the record, I love Virgo season as a concept, because it's all about systems and organization and getting your shit together. Think newly sharpened pencils, my fellow Nora Ephronites!
A long time ago, on the now-defunct site The Hairpin, Caity Weaver did two pieces that had Dan and I howling with laughter, because we are weird nerds about things. Sometimes State Flags and Sometimes State Quarters are each a series of one-liner jokes about the designs of, you guessed it, state flags and state quarters.
We can’t remember any of the jokes in the pieces (I just reread each one and nothing has stuck), but we often say to each other, “sometimes state flags….” as a joke in itself.
Anyway, all this to say, this New York Times quiz about state flag designs was right up my alley. Bonus points if you read the related piece on Utah’s flag design change, since some of the answers are hidden inside. NERDS!Confession: I still haven’t seen Barbie. But as a nerd (see above), I don’t mind reading about the details of making the movie, like this piece on how the analog process of Technicolor was reinvented digitally to give the movie its hypersaturated glow.
By recommending this next one, I’m not necessarily suggesting that you, personally, are chronically depressed. I’m merely suggesting that The Good Wife is, in fact, a super worthwhile show to take in no matter what your mental state, and Emily Gould hits on the many ways the show makes for a satisfying watch-through.
To wit: “The great thing about The Good Wife and The Good Fight is that the cast of any given episode could, in a pinch, perform a decent production of almost any Sondheim play (especially Follies). There are a lot of situations where a guest star gets two lines on the stand — for example, Megan Hilty — and you’re like, 'Why not just let her sing?' "
(Also, another confession: I have still never watched a single episode of Grey’s Anatomy! Am I the only one left in America — other than my husband — to accomplish this feat? Tell me!)
Speaking of getting your shit together...
The other day, my friend Joy was like, "you should have a Notion template to keep track of all your favorite workouts," and I was like "girl, already done."
Are you like us, cycling through a bunch of online/YouTube workouts but tired of finding all the links and remembering how long certain workouts are?
And would you love to be able to sort your online workouts by area of focus, length of workout, and when you last did that specific one? (Because I hate turning one on and then realizing I just did this last week! So repetitive!)
Then you will also find my Notion workout template to be the organizational tool of your sweaty, swole dreams.